Noriel and friends

Saturday, November 25, 2006

why i can't go to sadies

blah blah... what was i going to say? oh yeah, why i can'y go to sadies, someone posted a comment and was wondering. well, i can't go to sadies because i have a bible quiz practice that night because we have a meet the next day. thats really all there is to it. i was kinda thank ful for the non-religious excuse to explain to my friends why i wasn't going to ask that one guy to sadies. If you don't know who i'm talking about, you're 1) a guy 2) someone i haven't talked to for a while 3) someone i didn't trust to keep their mouth shut. It's quite possible that multiple answers apply. for example 1 and 3 go especially well together. lol. JK not all guys are like that. Just the ones i know. lol

ok i'll leave now before i offend anyone.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

sigh. i don't have anything to say, i just wanted to sigh.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

whats all this new version of blogger crap? i'm confuzzled. anyway, thats not what i'm here to post about.

Kelemira is very happy today. We did archery in gym and she learned a lot and Legolas is proud of her and she is super excited for tomorrow and friday because if the weather holds she gets to do it again. Whooo! and legolas said he'll teach her more too, but then only kelemira learns and not bethany. bethany wants to learn too. sigh. it's so exciting. i was like thrilled to bits. and i was with my friends and haveing fun and thinking about LOTR. sigh. can it get any better? probably. while i'm at school? probably not.

bethany/kelemira, happly harmonizing again (no more of that live, on blog, arguing)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Sadie Hawkins dance approaches. hey, the word roaches is hidden in appraoches. sigh. i'm depressed. don't worry, i'm not suicidal, or like clinically depressed, just kinda down. I'm happy for my friend deanna though. She's so brave! I'm quite proud of her. Now i have to be brave and strong in my own way. oh well. i guess thats how life is. i will c y'all tomorrow.
ps. Kelemira's pretty happy though. i'm makeing progress on the story, or as i would say in real life because im wierd "el story-o". sigh. i'm a tri lingual wanna be.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm running out of TIME-time-TIME-time-TIME-time-TIME-time-TIME-time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

sorry i haven't been posting! i haven't had time! i don't have time now either! ciao!
PS. kelemira will have her debut in publishing (sort of) soon! I'm makeing a neopets adventure of the story! it's interactive! it's sweet! you should try it! i'll post again when it's finished, while your waiting, make a neopets account and find me. my user name is- guess what?- kelemira_of_gondor it's like so original, i know, it's only like what i use for every inter net thing i have. but anyway, thats the update about that. i still need a place to post the realy thing. i altered this one for neopets a bit and i don't like it as much. so i need a place to post the real one. any suggestions? gracias. there i go again with the spanish. i don't even take spanish! whats wrong with me? oh well. spanish rocks. french rocks too. too bad i can't take both at ponce. what am i doing i specifically said i have no time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!