Noriel and friends

Friday, September 29, 2006

So if you've read my profile, my random question had something to do w/ slaying dragons and roasting marshmellows. I promised to answer it in a blog because my answer was too long.

You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?
Well, first off, in middle earth, all the dragons have been slain. So it's impossible that i could have slain a dragon. Secondly, why would i want to eat my marshmellows differantly just because i'd slain a dragon? I've always liked them golden brown- none of that bubbly crap, just a smooth, consistant, gold......delicious.

annA's right................adding lots of.......... is fun.........y'all should try it...........
hee hee hee.........................................................................................................muah ha ha ha ha...................................................................."oh no! it's the evil dot inserter! Run away, RUN AWAY!!!!!!".............................................................................

sorry, that was amusing, hope it made you laugh!

This is sweet. I love the dots background, but it's green and yellow. AHHH! Oh the cursed colors associated w/ the dreaded arch nemesis of the VIKINGS; the evil Packers!!!! bum bum bum! (dramatic music). Anyway, i had to stay up really late last night because of debate, i got to bed before midnight though. and we finished our IDs for AP Euro, that was good, i was kinda worried about that.
GOING TO THE RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL TOMORROW!!!!! YAY!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!! i'm really excited for the festival because i've never been and all my friends tell me it's really fun. Maybe I'll get some inspiration for my story. I wonder if theres a way to post my story w/out like makeing like 30+ page blog. If anyone knows, tell me please!
later, aligators,

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hey y'all, i finally got this blog thing running, i don't know what i did on my first one, but i f you want to know about my sweet name, go to it's pretty cool, and i liked it better but here's to starting over! hear hear!
anyway, i'm at school and someone elseneeds the computer, so i'll sign off