Noriel and friends

Friday, September 29, 2006

So if you've read my profile, my random question had something to do w/ slaying dragons and roasting marshmellows. I promised to answer it in a blog because my answer was too long.

You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?
Well, first off, in middle earth, all the dragons have been slain. So it's impossible that i could have slain a dragon. Secondly, why would i want to eat my marshmellows differantly just because i'd slain a dragon? I've always liked them golden brown- none of that bubbly crap, just a smooth, consistant, gold......delicious.

annA's right................adding lots of.......... is fun.........y'all should try it...........
hee hee hee.........................................................................................................muah ha ha ha ha...................................................................."oh no! it's the evil dot inserter! Run away, RUN AWAY!!!!!!".............................................................................

sorry, that was amusing, hope it made you laugh!


  •'re crazy!......... hahaha. ........and um.... just curious...why did u delete that other comment????????????????????????
    in a while crocodile....

    By Blogger Anna M, At 9:11 PM  

  • well i don't know hoe i turned it oof, so how can i turn it back on again?

    By Blogger Bethany Joy, At 6:52 PM  

  • well i don't know hoe i turned it oof, so how can i turn it back on again?

    By Blogger Bethany Joy, At 6:52 PM  

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