Noriel and friends

Friday, August 03, 2007

Bethany, your candy heart says Be Mine!

Of course, "Be Mine," is what your candy heart says. Whether you've found your soul mate or not, you've got an old-fashioned sense of how romance should be and can't wait to find your "keeper."

You're not bitter when you see cute couples holding hands in the park. You sigh and imagine yourself swinging on the front porch with your sweetie, sipping lemonade and playing with the grandkids. That's what your vision of happiness has in store when it comes to love.

When you think about it, there aren't too many things better than finishing each other's sentences and finding something new in those stories you've heard 450 times already. Here's to friends and lovers forever! And with a statement like "Be Mine", you're primed and ready.


Bethany, your Confidence makes you luminous

Being comfortable in your own skin isn't easy, but you're a natural. You prove that smart and sexy can come wrapped up in the same beautiful package.

Calm and collected, you've got your feet on the ground and a good head on your shoulders. And even in the craziest of times, people feel at ease around you. Whether you're heading up a board meeting or a bake sale, being a leader just comes easily to you. So go ahead and take charge. Everyone will be glad you did


Bethany, you need a superhero when it comes to Living on the Edge ( plus my own side comments

Not just any man will do for a wild thing like you. Independent, daring, and willing to take risks, you need a guy who won't cower at the idea of living on the edge from time to time. After all, a little action's exactly what it takes to get your pulse to pound ... and a little adrenaline never hurt either.

Always willing to test the limits and go for what you want, it's no doubt that you tend to get exactly what or who you're after each time. People admire your strength and initiative, so it's no doubt you need a guy who has the same. And that's exactly why you should date a superhero like Spider-Man. Way to keep it hot!

haha- this makes me laugh- partly cuz i do think spidey is the best super hero ever and partly because God already hand picked my man so i dont need to worry about it. Thats such a releif.

anyway we're in OR with the Radkes now and they're playing Wii which is kinda cool. i made a Mii. but now im just watching Steven blow stuff up as a trasformer :P

anyway, i miss y'all and i'll see you in like 10 days or something.

~Bethany Joy

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

trip update

hey y'all!
what up?

its been awhile.

so i'm in Idaho chillin.
been reading alot of harry potter.
missing all my friends.
but doin alright all around.
sis has been pretty tolerable :P
watched Oklahoma in the car.

went to mt rushmore back in SD night b4 last.
last night stayed at a hotel with water slides.
worked out in exercise room which was really nice cuz i miss running alot.

its really hot here.
we're going to have breakfast tomorrow with one of the people who came to the last prespetary- the one who stayed at our house. Kevin somebody. I know way too many kevins and way too many Bens. no offense intended to ppl with those names- they are excellent names! it just gets confusing with so many of them :P

anyway, i miss y'all and i'll talk to you later.

