Noriel and friends

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

trip update

hey y'all!
what up?

its been awhile.

so i'm in Idaho chillin.
been reading alot of harry potter.
missing all my friends.
but doin alright all around.
sis has been pretty tolerable :P
watched Oklahoma in the car.

went to mt rushmore back in SD night b4 last.
last night stayed at a hotel with water slides.
worked out in exercise room which was really nice cuz i miss running alot.

its really hot here.
we're going to have breakfast tomorrow with one of the people who came to the last prespetary- the one who stayed at our house. Kevin somebody. I know way too many kevins and way too many Bens. no offense intended to ppl with those names- they are excellent names! it just gets confusing with so many of them :P

anyway, i miss y'all and i'll talk to you later.




  • oh yeah! and i forgot to say that since my last post i had a birthday and i got my permit. kinda late on the permit but oh well.

    miss you guys- i'll update again sometime on the way back- or whenever i have internet access again.


    By Blogger Bethany Joy, At 6:09 PM  

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