Noriel and friends

Friday, December 08, 2006

what i like about "What I Like About You"- and then i go on to talk about other stuff follwing my random train of thought...

I was just watching the show "what i like about you"- it's really funny, this time holly tried to work in a restaurant and she pretty much destroyed the kitchen, made the kitchen staff quit, and ruined several customers meals, it was hillarious. my sister britta (age 12) says thats not how you spell hillarious, i say who cares? obviously she does but i don't. go away britta! I'm typing! she is not leaving! GO AWAY BRITTA!!!!!!! ahem, britta, go away PLEASE! I SAID PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE LEAVE NOW BRITTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! she left as soon as i took her middle name out of the last sentance. he he he. it's Grace, btw. What is it about ppl not wanting to let other ppl know what their middle name is? I wonder if it has any connection to how some native american (i've personally always prefered the term indians but what ever, it's all Colombus's fault.) tribes never told anyone their real name because names had power and you didn't want to wear them out. So maybe we feel that way about our middle names. My middle name is Joy in case anyone wanted to know. So i personally really like the song "I've got the Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my heart" And my mom calls me Bethany Joy Joy Joy Joy down in her heart and that makes me feel very special, but of course when she's mad its "BETHANY JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and that doesn't make me feel so special. but anyway, i don't think that theres "power" in a name, just the power to misuse it. Like in Les Miserables (the book- we're reading it in French V) the Thenardiers never call Cosette by her real name and htey mistreat her and it's really sad because she has literaly nothing and without a name she's like not even an entity. it's really tragic. sigh. ok, so i meant this to be a short post about "What i like about you", but it turned in to a philosophical thought process, i hope you don't mind. ttyl
PS. Kelemira feels left out of this post, but she doesn't really have anything to say about names except she likes the names in her life because they're much more interesting than the ones here. For example names like Boromir and Faramir and Legolas and Aragorn and Arwen and Eowyn and Eomer are way cooler than names like Sally and Kelly and Ann(e) and Alex and Max and John and Henry and Harry. lol, no offense to anyone with those names, those names aren't uncool, they're just examples i came up with that have no comparison to LOTR names. in summary, LOTR is da coolest and i love legolas!


  • And in Slavic languages a middle name is a partonyc. In most cases you can learn the first name of teh person's father once you learn that person's middle name.

    By Blogger weird_werewolf, At 6:05 AM  

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