Noriel and friends

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

my personality

You are extroverted, preferring the company of others rather than spending time alone. Extroversion refers to an outward and interactive orientation. Extroverts are stimulated by being around others and are often considered gregarious or outgoing. People with this orientation usually have a lot of friends, and find it easy to interact with strangers. They tend to feel lonely and withdrawn when denied the company of others. When extroverts feel bad, low on energy, or stressed, they look outside themselves for relief. They might go shopping, call friends to come over, or arrange a party.


Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day weekend

Hey y'all.
i have no idea who "y'all" is anymore. comment por favor. or if you are still in the middle ages and dont have blogger, e-mail me. or if you are in the dark ages and dont have e-mail either, call me. if you live in prehistoric times and dont have a telephone then come talk to me!

Happy memorial day weekend. to support our troops, you dont have to support the war.

I'm up north at my grandparents house. My cousins philip and karen are here too. Its too cold to swim, but we've been fishing a couple times. (i'm using my cousin Karen's computer and the i key is missing so its really hard to type because you have to be very deliberate and press kinda hard when you press that key so it keeps messing up my rythem every time i have to use the letter i.) And we watched a couple movies. And my arms hurt cuz we went out in the row boat once and canoe twice. and i was so tired i crashed at about 9:30 last night! Thats like SO early for me. I never go to bed before 10. and usually not by then. But i voluntairily crashed at 9:30. and then i woke up at like 8:30 this morning. That never happens either.

Praise Report! yesterday my throat hurt really bad- it was like there was a big lump and it hurt to swallow around and sometimes it hurt to breath. But this morning its all better. YAY.

well talk to y'all later!
(whoever "yall" is, cough cough)


Friday, May 25, 2007


Wow. It was so good.
Deanna doesn't agree with me.
Ben does (not from school- so no ou probably dont know him unless your a bible quizzer and if so- how in the world did you find my site- welcome! have a seat! makeyourself comfortable. lots to catch up on, i've had this blog since september or october.)
*cyber five to ben for agreeing with she who is always right :P (ahem- thats me btw, you who are not always right)*


you've probably seen this clip before even if you haven't seen the movie so its not much of a spoiler. but just a warning.

so like they're all fighting near the end right?
and will goes "Elizabeth! Will you marry me?"
E "I really dont think this is the bext time!"

i dont want to directly quote more than that, but the whole part that follows i think is the most romantic thing ever.
this is the spoil part

what is more romantic than getting married while fighting people trying to smash your brains out? :P
and then kissing while ppl are trying to slice you open but still fighting while holding hands and it was just like the best thing ever. i was like melting. sigh. oh it was so great. sigh. i'm sad its over. i wants it on DVD once it comes out. i wonder if it will comeout intime for my birthday...

Well anyway, c ya later y'all!
PS> still RPing alot as Noriel. its so fun, really trying to dig into her character. working well.

Monday, May 21, 2007

renn fest

speaking of outings reminds me of the rennaissance festival!
can't wait for that at the end of the summer!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry guys- you are not invited to this- it will remain an all girl tradition i think- besides we'll be shopping alot of the time :P so if you think you want to go, your actually wrong :P
oh boy oh boy oh boy- i really can't wait for the renaissance festival.
i will be able to complete my costume finally and Sam will be able to get her fox tail and i will visit the blacksmith's shop and look longingly at the swords. and maybe i will beat Johanna at fencing- but thats unlikely since i wont be able to take lessons this summer. sigh. did i post about that? i dont rememver

Monday, May 07, 2007


1st AP test finished over and done with. one more to go.