Noriel and friends

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

an example of the negative effects of being really competitive

so, i was at youth group on Sunday night, as usual, and we were playing a game called tasmanian kick boxing. it's where you stand in a circle holding hands with a grabage can in the middle and try not to get pulled into the garbage can while trying to pull other ppl into the garbage can. If you touch the garbage can your out, and if you break hands It's a really fun game, but it can have uncomfotable after effects if your good at the game and stay in until theres only 5 ppl left and your the only girl (aka what i did). My arms were shakeing for the rest of the night, hurt really really bad on monday, kinda ached alot on tuesday, and today just my left arm aches a little especially when i try to pick up my backpack. so yeah. it's fun though, i always enjoy the game and yeah. This was one of the times i was too competitive for my own good. :) oh well. At least i took somebody out with me, i broke hands just before i thought i would hit the garbage can. he he he. i get alot more competitive when competing with guys. I don't know why, probably cuz i already know i'm better than all the girls so i don't have to prove anything against them :) lol. JK. but yeah, i don't know why. It could be because of my firm beleif that girls are better than guys and i only have to prove that when competing against guys. that probably it. i gotta go, ttyl.



PS. K feels left out. she says she's competitive too, and she likes to argue. I say, what does argueing have to do with it. K says, idk. I say me either. I say, this post is over. lol. :)


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