Noriel and friends

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I had finally thought of something to say and now i fotgot what it was. gr. drat.
I REMEMBERED!!!!! Ok, Bethany needs to know how to imbed (is that what u call it) a picture so I can rave about it. It is so cool. but its pointless for me to talk about it if you all can't see it.

so post comments so bethany can imbed it so i can talk for a while, because i haven't for a long time and i'm in the title. sheesh. you think i'd get alot more air time since i'm in the title but nooooooo. oh well, gotta go.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

i can't beleive its 2 am

its two am. i'm resting my brain. i was just working on my Final ethics LA paper for tomorrow- i mean today. this is sooo bad for me i have a cold, and im not getting any healthier by staying up so late. my back hurts from sitting so long. my preliminary audition for all state choir went ok i think. i was a little scared. ok alot. and it really made it self apparant through my singing. so the actual audition wasn't so brill, but i did much better as i was practicing and i think the choir directors were in the room while i was practicing so hopefully the fact that they heard me sing better than the actual audition will help boost my chances of makeing it to the real try outs. ok, i've done this for a little bit, time to go get some water and finish up!

peace y'all!

PS. sorry that K still doesn't have anything 2 say

Monday, January 22, 2007

scary computer incident/ my dad is da coolest evah no contest!

ok, so like i was trying to do my LA homework this weekend, and i was crusin along and my computer freezes. no big deal. Ctrl+Alt+Delete doesn't pull anything up? just hit the power button and start over, hope you saved your work. So i re log in and everything is gone. i wasn't super suprised that my background was gone, but i expected it to be a blank color, not an automatic picture. so i open "My Documents" and its cleared out. there was NOTHING there. it was so scary.

i guess the my dad is da coolest part will have to come later. b-bye!


PS. Kelemira says she will make an appearance next time i talk about something that has any thing she feels like commenting on but i haven't for a while. bye!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

what i'm doing

I'm totally bored and i don't want to do LA stuff, even thogh i totally need to. oh well. tonight will be another long night. so glad it's almost friday. i'm tired. i'm also hungry. yay! we get to watch a movie next class. CRAP! I didn't do the hw. gotta go. bye!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

my weekend

so i went skateing on Monday to say good bye to maria who is going back to Russia next weekend. :'( we'll miss her, but i can still e-mail her :). any way, so we (me, maria, deanna, johanna, liz, and dani m.) went skating. 'twas fun

Friday, January 12, 2007

Sweethearts plans

in a good mood. :)
plan to have party at my house fur bunch of girls who don't want the drama of asking a guy to sweethearts. will be v. fun :) can't decide on theme. i don't think it needs a theme. but Deanna says it does. so we are currently debating if it will be Disney or LOTR. I was going to let it be Disney but then another friend suggested LOTR so the argument is back on and i'm not backing down this time! well maybe if she changes to POTC. but she wants like classic Disney. like Disney princesses and fox and the hound and hundred and one dalmations. There are some Disney movies i like
i've never actually seen sleeping beauty, wouldn't mind that one

(had brilliant idea, stopped list)

We could have a party with the theme of Musicals. we got a box set of Rodgers and Hamerstein ones. Carousel, South Pacific, Oklahoma, Sound of Music, King and I, and State Fair. That would be really fun.

i hope this plan works out well. I hope we have enough people free that weekend. it would be really annoying if i ended up at home watching lotr by myself. i don't like watching it by myself. i know so much about it that i really only like watching it now to a) copy dialogue for my story, or b) tell other ppl watching about what they say about this part in the special features- i can manage to bite my tongue if somebody hasn't seen it before. if i have to talk about a certain part i go make popcorn and when i come back it's over. i also like criticizing it. it's incredible, but no movie is above critisim.



Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Continued story plus another gripe about the secularization of Christmas

Where did I stop last time. ummmm oh yeah, Christmas eve, my cousin Morgan was hyper and very possibly made my friend think I'm a lunatic and said friend will no longer talk to me- those messages are the only reason I can think why. Either that or he died- unlikely. Or his phone is dead- for a whole week? Also unlikely.
but anyway

Christmas day- nothing much, we opened presents, hung out, went skating on the pond, ate good food, watched a movie. Over all good time

Tuesday- still at grandmother and granted went to cabelas for a long time, ate lunch at culvers went to The Nativity (good movie btw, worth going to see) then came home.

Wednesday- everybody came to our house and then we all went to IKEA and then MOA, did not go on rides because my cousin was sick, so we just went shopping and we took graham to lego-land (whoa! Just noticed as I was typeing legoland that if you take of the "nd" and add "s", you get legolas!) and at old navy i got new pants! They are supah comfy! and we went to bath and body works where they had a mega sale, so we got some stuff. I love bath and body works, they have really good smelling stuff. My fave lotions are from there- 'brown sugar and fig' and 'pink grapefruit'. And i like the 'pomegranate martini' body spray. very good

sorry about all that about shopping, I would probably not care to read about that stuff on someone else's blog so thanks for reading it here even if you didn't relish it.

on Wednesday night we watched sense and sensibility. also an excellent movie. i loved it. I need to add it to my favorite movie catagory on my profile.

Thursday- Texas cousins left. i don't know what else we did that day.

Friday- nothing really happened

Saturday- nothing really happened- we went to church thats about it

Sunday- LOTS happened.
1) we went to my friends house and hung out there
2) IT SNOWED!!!!! A LOT!!!!!! AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) went to the LOCK IN at my church!!!!!!! was so fun! had a blast! went to bed at 7:30 am on monday :) I'm really proud of myself for staying up all night :) at the last lockin i fell asleep during the movie- Princess Bride. I was very ashamed of myself. but i did much better this time. :)

Monday- once i got home i slept 'till about noon, then took a shower and we went to my minnesota cousins' house and hung out there for the afternoon. lots o good food and me and my cousin philip played the Return of the King board game. it was fun, but kinda confusing :) we figured it out eventually though.

Tuesday- today i am chillin' and doing hw, thank you notes, and practicing- and blogging obviously. i also took the dog for a walk. i should learn how to embed pictures. my dog, Elsa, is the greatest. :)

thats the end of the story, now comes the gripe.

I think we all know the term X-mas. it seems harmless, just a way to fit more into a small space. but it's taking the most important part of the word and replacing it with a variable. It's perfect for our anti-christian national view. Hey everybody! Let's take CHRIST out of CHRISTMAS!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr. If you take CHRIST out of CHRISTMAS then there is no reason to have or celebrate it, because Christmas is about Christ's birth and with out Christ, there is no Christmas! GOT IT? Good.

Merry CHRISTmas y'all!
(I know it was a while ago but i wanted to send my point home)

Happy New year!
