Noriel and friends

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


i didn't really have much to say, just felt like saying something- oh yeah thats right, i was going to edit that one blog. ok, bye!


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

why the name and format change?!?!?!

1) Kelemira might as well be gibberish (it has no meaning in any of the tongues of arda)
2) based on when her mother dies, Kelemira would be 31 when Boromir left for rivendel.
3) she's a Mary Sue (look it up on Wikipedia)
4) this was really hard for me
5) i have a new Elvish name now, which means Fire Maiden, my friend picked one out too; he's Nechuru (skilled [with/ around/ in] water) :) and Deanna is Mírnes (from jewel: mír and nes: young woman) so i encourage you to go to it's cool. ttyl!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


i felt like changing the background but i don't really like anyof them. My friends are already using my favorites and i don't like doing the same thing as them. So i went with this one because it has bright green :P I thought that would be pretty cool. But i'm not so sure i really like it anyway... What does this font look like?... Or this font... Or this font... Or this font (hey this one looks the same a sthe automatic one!- BORING!)... Or this one (hey this one looks the same too! no fair!)... Or this one (wierd this one's smaller)... Whats trebuchet? apparantly its this. oooooo!!! This is webdings!!!!! How cool is that???? totally awesome. I should write an entire post in webdings. No one would know what i was typing!!! way coolio!!! I like pink :P

Ok bye, sorry for my wierd ness.

totally awesome/ very moving article.

This is a site about some really cool people. Theres an article eaplaining some stuff about it, and then at the bottom theres a video, with the background music of Mercy Me's song I can only Imagine. So yeah, it was a very very good story and a very moving video. my advice is to let the video load though first before watching it because it's alot less moving when it keeps stopping every minute to load. but yeah.
peace y'all


YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M HAVING A PARTAY TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

yay and waaaa

ok so the waaaaaa is that my team failed miserably at the meet and the yay is that that mean i can have that party. The other waaa is that i will not see all my friends from quizzing for a long time. The other waaaa is that i only have one peron's e-mail address cuz i thought i could get the other ones from my coach, but he didn't have them. so i'll have to make a phone call sometime. but anyway, the other waaa is that because we did so poorly we didn't make the championship meet. So yeah. that was way more waaas then yays, maybe i should change the title to 4 waaaas and a yay. but i'm not going to

Saturday, February 03, 2007

my dad is da coolest ever

continuation of a previous blog explaining the rest of said previous blog's title (the one about my computer hating on me).

So after my computer went TOTALLY whacked, i was like hyperventilating and FREAKING out and my dad like did some extensive magic as i axiously worked on my other homework and POOF! several hours later it was all better (mostly, just a few annoying things like i cant make the toolbar at the bottom change colors like i used to be able to but thats quite minor in retrospect of not even being able to access my files)

So yeah in colclusion, my dad it the best and i love him to bits, and i'm soooooo thankful that i have the parents i have and i'm really really glad that my parents really truly love eachother still and i'm glad that my family is whole, all 4 grandparents are still alive and still together. I am so so so blessed.

I am sooo tired.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

me in mexico last spring break

[picture was deleted because it was too big and i was makeing a wierd face, whice is rather odd to see closeup, so i deleted it]

ok, so i want this pic to be my profile pic and i'm trying 2 figure out how apparantly it needs 2 be online before i can upload it so here goes nothing

Legolas is so AMAZING

I absolutely adore this pic. i hope its big enough for you to see the words. thanks for telling me how to up load it, cole!

I will let it speak for itself now.

sigh. he is so gorgeous.


=)... and then =(

I'm just in a good mood. I don't know why. maybe its because i have a hot Legolas poster on my bedroom door :P or maybe its because i just feel special or, (i think this is the most accurate option) maybe i have the right to be happy with out haveing a real reason. I'm slightly melancholy for two reasons, but they are only detracting a tiny tiny bit from my happy state. ( i kinda miss my two cousins who are in college a bit...)

dog gone it!!!

"good feeling's gone" (Marlin, Finding Nemo)

I am very frustrated with TFC. Every dance weekend, theres a quiz meet. Its soooooooooooo annoying to have to fix my schedual around that.

Homecoming: I couldn't go to the game, on day after had to rush home from meet to shower and put on my gorgeous sparkley black dress w/ (too) plunge-y neckline and sparkley black shoes (which were also Gorgeous! I love those shoes!) and run to Deanna's house to do our hair and have her dad take pictures. was v. stressful

Sadies: besides all the drama posted in my girls only blog, there was a long time where it was uncertain if i would even be able to go because i originally thought it was on a saturday and so the quiz meet wouldn't be a problem, but it turned out to be on a friday, so the quiz practice was a problem, so after manipulating my coach to make the practice earlier and working all that out, i had to rush from practice to deannas house for that event and i had to leave the dance early and not go hang out with deanna and brittney so that i would have enought sleep.

Sweethearts: Its not even on the first weekend of the month so this shouldn't be a problem, but since february is the last month of the season, the weekend after the normal meet is the final meet where only the top 27 teams compete. the rankings are only based on the feb third quiz meet. all previous quiz meets combined, my team is 22, so unless we have a really really tough line up we will probably make it. for some stupid reason, that quiz meet is at the most distant of all the locations, and its an afternoon/evening meet instead of a morning meet, so we wouldn't even get home until 10:30 pm on saturday night. I wasn't planning on going to the dance, but i was going to have a bunch of friends over for some kinda of movie themed party, we still don't know what the theme would be, but now its seems like we can't. we cant have it on friday night because of guesswhat? practice. so i don't know whats going to happen with that and i had been planning on it for a long time and i was really excited and my friends were really excited, and now i'm really bummed out.

I also really have to do my hw.


PS. Kelemira is still in a good mood though =) mostly bcuz of the poster... :P