Noriel and friends

Saturday, February 03, 2007

my dad is da coolest ever

continuation of a previous blog explaining the rest of said previous blog's title (the one about my computer hating on me).

So after my computer went TOTALLY whacked, i was like hyperventilating and FREAKING out and my dad like did some extensive magic as i axiously worked on my other homework and POOF! several hours later it was all better (mostly, just a few annoying things like i cant make the toolbar at the bottom change colors like i used to be able to but thats quite minor in retrospect of not even being able to access my files)

So yeah in colclusion, my dad it the best and i love him to bits, and i'm soooooo thankful that i have the parents i have and i'm really really glad that my parents really truly love eachother still and i'm glad that my family is whole, all 4 grandparents are still alive and still together. I am so so so blessed.

I am sooo tired.



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