Noriel and friends

Thursday, February 01, 2007

=)... and then =(

I'm just in a good mood. I don't know why. maybe its because i have a hot Legolas poster on my bedroom door :P or maybe its because i just feel special or, (i think this is the most accurate option) maybe i have the right to be happy with out haveing a real reason. I'm slightly melancholy for two reasons, but they are only detracting a tiny tiny bit from my happy state. ( i kinda miss my two cousins who are in college a bit...)

dog gone it!!!

"good feeling's gone" (Marlin, Finding Nemo)

I am very frustrated with TFC. Every dance weekend, theres a quiz meet. Its soooooooooooo annoying to have to fix my schedual around that.

Homecoming: I couldn't go to the game, on day after had to rush home from meet to shower and put on my gorgeous sparkley black dress w/ (too) plunge-y neckline and sparkley black shoes (which were also Gorgeous! I love those shoes!) and run to Deanna's house to do our hair and have her dad take pictures. was v. stressful

Sadies: besides all the drama posted in my girls only blog, there was a long time where it was uncertain if i would even be able to go because i originally thought it was on a saturday and so the quiz meet wouldn't be a problem, but it turned out to be on a friday, so the quiz practice was a problem, so after manipulating my coach to make the practice earlier and working all that out, i had to rush from practice to deannas house for that event and i had to leave the dance early and not go hang out with deanna and brittney so that i would have enought sleep.

Sweethearts: Its not even on the first weekend of the month so this shouldn't be a problem, but since february is the last month of the season, the weekend after the normal meet is the final meet where only the top 27 teams compete. the rankings are only based on the feb third quiz meet. all previous quiz meets combined, my team is 22, so unless we have a really really tough line up we will probably make it. for some stupid reason, that quiz meet is at the most distant of all the locations, and its an afternoon/evening meet instead of a morning meet, so we wouldn't even get home until 10:30 pm on saturday night. I wasn't planning on going to the dance, but i was going to have a bunch of friends over for some kinda of movie themed party, we still don't know what the theme would be, but now its seems like we can't. we cant have it on friday night because of guesswhat? practice. so i don't know whats going to happen with that and i had been planning on it for a long time and i was really excited and my friends were really excited, and now i'm really bummed out.

I also really have to do my hw.


PS. Kelemira is still in a good mood though =) mostly bcuz of the poster... :P


  • hey love! well at least you have a guy guy makes everyday good. Well sorry i havnt been able to talk much schol is super overwelming but ill call this weekend. Hey u need to get aim(aol instant messanger)

    By Blogger MoPo, At 4:56 PM  

  • i don't know if u can call it a guy guy poster considering its Legolas, elf guy works, so does hot guy :P and i KNOW what aim is. why do people think i don't know basic computer stuff?

    By Blogger Bethany Joy, At 5:37 PM  

  • i <3 blogging :P
    i am in a very wierd mood
    idk why
    maybe because i am sooooo cold

    By Blogger Bethany Joy, At 6:37 PM  

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