Noriel and friends

Saturday, July 07, 2007

omg i'm a terrible blog writer/keeper upper dudette

so sorry its been so long.
the problem is that i talk/ e-mail all the ppl who read this fairly frequently and it makes it tedious to tell you all again what been going on.

so if you want to hear about the MS150 or Deanna's Birthday party or the DR trip then you'll just have to ask me because i am NOT going to type it out for a bunch of ppl who have already heard about it.

if i haven't told you about those topics yet i will type a special e-mail just for you so you can feel the love :)

anyway since the DR i have not had a chance to go check the schedule at ESSE, much less take a class so my goal of getting my permit before i'm 16 is pretty much out. New goal- before school starts. or ideally before Ben. It's just plain embarassing that Anna got her licence before me. Deanna probably will get her licence before me. i will not let any of my other best friends get their licence before me. Jenn Bekah and Ben- help me out, slow down with the classes, deal? :P just kidding. Jenn hurry up or you wont get yours before you're 18!!!!!!!

Anyway, i'm in brainerd right now. I just learned how to drive the speed boat which was really really fun. I can't wait to show my dad.

right now i'm waiting for my friend to get back from a movie so we can talk online. Transformers. definatly not one i'm planning to see in theaters. I do want to go see ratatouille. (anyone want to go with me? group event potential right there :P)

i also want to see stardust when it comes out because it's been compared to princess bride.
i want to go see POTC3 again.
shrek the 3rd
surfs up
live free die hard- maybe if i can convince my parents to let me go.

Haha- that reminds me of a deanna blond moment. on our way to hinkley. i'll just let her remember it and keep you all in the dark about it :P

i'm kinda bored.

like really bored.


theres some conversation about food going on around me- what to cook while there are like a million people up here for a whole week.

its boring.

i'm so tired.

actually not really. Just bored.

I watched like an hour and a half of America's Next Top Model reruns this morning after i went running. and something else after that too. can't remember what it was.

anyway. I dont really want to watch more TV.

maybe i will anyway.

but unlikely.

i think i'll post this now.

and call that friend to see if the movie is over.

lalalalalalala. I am way to easily amused. and i'm still not all that amused.

and i must post this now because i am definatly boreing you all.

whoever you all is. i really dont know.



  • awwwww! you used my nickname!

    i wanna go to rattamovie!!

    i think zach braff is in it... maybe!

    thank you for posting.

    uhh, youre never boring. youd need about 5 pages of nothing to be boring.

    By Blogger Nechuru, At 8:09 AM  

  • you should see transformers in theaters.

    die hard is pg13 btw.

    APPERANTLY my parents might not let me see it anyway.

    im still excited for.... stuff!

    By Blogger Nechuru, At 8:12 AM  

  • Yay, you finally posted. And Ratatouille's a sweet movie.

    By Blogger weird_werewolf, At 3:05 AM  

  • im soooo tired of you not posting.

    so post post!

    By Blogger Nechuru, At 9:46 PM  

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