Noriel and friends

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It's called Christmas with a capital C!

thats the title of a song by go fish and it is a good title for the following rant, which will be followed by an account of my christmas in which there will be a disclaimer about two messages which were left on my friend's cell phone on chrismas eve.

Ok. So it really really bugs me when people get mad at people who say merry christmas. it bugs me that because of these ppl, others have started saying happy holidays. now holidays actually derives from holy-days, so its not all that bad but thats not the reason they're saying it. ARRRGG!!! Politically carrect ppl really bug me. I don't minda Happy Hannukka (sp?), Happy Kwanza or anyother holiday in this season, but when ppl say happy holidays just to avoid offending ppl it drives me crazy.

Ok. Story and disclaimer.
where to begin. On Friday we drove up to my Grandparent's house (mom's side) up in _______ i guess i can't really say, can i. They live like 2.5 hrs away from here (for those of you who know where here is ( : ) so we got thewre late, i had a massive headache and we all just crashed that night. on saturday, mom and dad went to do some more christmas shopping and me and britta stayed w/ g-ma and g-pa and did a craft thing britta got for her b-day last april. Chinese Calligraphy painting. It was really sweet. I practiced some strokes and wrote two chinese characters ("thousand", and "spring") before getting bored and going to skate. but the skates were in mom and dads car so i had to watch tv while waiting for them to get back. so then we weent skateing and it was really fun and elsa, out dog, is like sooooo funny on ice, she like spazzes out and it's hillarious to watch her. i'm getting alot better at skateing, and it's really fun and it burns calories and it's graceful :) all very good plus points in my book. and you can do it with ppl or alone, another good point. So we opened presents there on saturday night, and i the highlight was a kareoke machine!!!!!! Totally unexpected and at first i wasn't sure i really wanted one but later i grew quite fond of it. On sunday, we left there for my G-parents house on my dad's side. and my cousins from texas were there!!!! yay!!!!!!!! I love those guys :) they are supah! My cousin Morgan is out of highschool and attending college down in TX, she almost came to the U of M, but she got accepted to a college down there first and decided to stay close to her mom dad and bro. Graham, whose name i can't even spell :(, is in 4th grade and is way cool :) so yeah, we went to the christmas eve service at my g-parents' and that night me and Morgan and Britta hung out in me n' britta's room and talked about girl stuff. Morgan stole my phone and haveing already heard all the drama and whatnot about my fall with homecomeing, MOA, and Sadies, proceded to call the guy who went to sadies with me and leave two messages on his cell. on the second one she held it up to the radio which was playing a really wierd song, so my disclaimer is that IT WAS NOT ME!!! and PLEASE DELETE SAID MESSAGES!!!!

Thanks to everyone for reading through all that. I'll see y'all.
PS. theres more, but i have to go, so i'll post the rest tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

an example of the negative effects of being really competitive

so, i was at youth group on Sunday night, as usual, and we were playing a game called tasmanian kick boxing. it's where you stand in a circle holding hands with a grabage can in the middle and try not to get pulled into the garbage can while trying to pull other ppl into the garbage can. If you touch the garbage can your out, and if you break hands It's a really fun game, but it can have uncomfotable after effects if your good at the game and stay in until theres only 5 ppl left and your the only girl (aka what i did). My arms were shakeing for the rest of the night, hurt really really bad on monday, kinda ached alot on tuesday, and today just my left arm aches a little especially when i try to pick up my backpack. so yeah. it's fun though, i always enjoy the game and yeah. This was one of the times i was too competitive for my own good. :) oh well. At least i took somebody out with me, i broke hands just before i thought i would hit the garbage can. he he he. i get alot more competitive when competing with guys. I don't know why, probably cuz i already know i'm better than all the girls so i don't have to prove anything against them :) lol. JK. but yeah, i don't know why. It could be because of my firm beleif that girls are better than guys and i only have to prove that when competing against guys. that probably it. i gotta go, ttyl.



PS. K feels left out. she says she's competitive too, and she likes to argue. I say, what does argueing have to do with it. K says, idk. I say me either. I say, this post is over. lol. :)

Friday, December 15, 2006

nothing much

i like hogans heros. it's on at 4:00 and 4:30 on channel 45

Thursday, December 14, 2006

this is all K today, B is not going to interrupt

i wish there was christmas in Middle earth. evewryone gets so excited about it here. you get to find the perfect gift for all your friends... it seems like such a great time. all the trees and the decorations... i thought i would have more to say, but my wishful thinking is blowing away as i type it into publication. i guess thats all i have to say,
Merry Christmas, Minnesota!!!

~Kelemira of Gondor

PS. i'm not as sad about it as i sounded, i'm actually quite excited to celebrate christmas for the first time, i just wish i could bring it to my friends back home, thats all. i really like cookies. i going to go eat a pumpkin one. yummo. goodbye!

Friday, December 08, 2006

what i like about "What I Like About You"- and then i go on to talk about other stuff follwing my random train of thought...

I was just watching the show "what i like about you"- it's really funny, this time holly tried to work in a restaurant and she pretty much destroyed the kitchen, made the kitchen staff quit, and ruined several customers meals, it was hillarious. my sister britta (age 12) says thats not how you spell hillarious, i say who cares? obviously she does but i don't. go away britta! I'm typing! she is not leaving! GO AWAY BRITTA!!!!!!! ahem, britta, go away PLEASE! I SAID PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE LEAVE NOW BRITTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! she left as soon as i took her middle name out of the last sentance. he he he. it's Grace, btw. What is it about ppl not wanting to let other ppl know what their middle name is? I wonder if it has any connection to how some native american (i've personally always prefered the term indians but what ever, it's all Colombus's fault.) tribes never told anyone their real name because names had power and you didn't want to wear them out. So maybe we feel that way about our middle names. My middle name is Joy in case anyone wanted to know. So i personally really like the song "I've got the Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my heart" And my mom calls me Bethany Joy Joy Joy Joy down in her heart and that makes me feel very special, but of course when she's mad its "BETHANY JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and that doesn't make me feel so special. but anyway, i don't think that theres "power" in a name, just the power to misuse it. Like in Les Miserables (the book- we're reading it in French V) the Thenardiers never call Cosette by her real name and htey mistreat her and it's really sad because she has literaly nothing and without a name she's like not even an entity. it's really tragic. sigh. ok, so i meant this to be a short post about "What i like about you", but it turned in to a philosophical thought process, i hope you don't mind. ttyl
PS. Kelemira feels left out of this post, but she doesn't really have anything to say about names except she likes the names in her life because they're much more interesting than the ones here. For example names like Boromir and Faramir and Legolas and Aragorn and Arwen and Eowyn and Eomer are way cooler than names like Sally and Kelly and Ann(e) and Alex and Max and John and Henry and Harry. lol, no offense to anyone with those names, those names aren't uncool, they're just examples i came up with that have no comparison to LOTR names. in summary, LOTR is da coolest and i love legolas!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


i figured out how to have a title on my blog! it took me 3+ months, but i found it eventually. i really gotta go do hw. ttyl


Pirates of the Caribbean- Dead Man's Chest came out on DVD today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

calm before storm

ok lets see um i just wanted to put something before the blog you're about to read because it's really long and appears daunting. but it will be interesting to read i think, if you're my friend. if you're a random stalker person i don't think youll find anything interesting although you never know. if you're just cruising blogs for the sake of crusing blogs you might find it interesting to read about my '06 sadie hawkins experiance. oh, and to refer back to an older blog (see comments from the 25th of November)- are there really only two people who check my blog? i feel so unloved! if you read it comment! just say like "cool!" or "wierd" or even (God forbid) "I hate LOTR!" or "u r crazy!". then at least i'd know you care about me enough to check on what i have to say. ok. i think this is a long enough and calm enough time before the "storm" of the next section.
have fun with it :-)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sadies and other random stuff about this weekend

i miss LOTR. probably because at dinner, before sadies, on friday Cole started talking about his favorite video game- he didn't say all that much about it, he just kept saying how exciting it was to press B left trigger and chainsaw people in the face. it made me start thinking about my personal obsession- LOTR- but i refrained from saying anything. I was very proud of my myself- usually if theres anyconnection at all with LOTR i come right out and start talking about it and lable myself a freek but i didn't- maybe theres hope for me after all. lol. so yeah. sadies went fine. had fun. convinced everyone i was anorexic by eating at bible quiz practice and only picking at the appetizers and my friend's french fries at dinner :)- we went to famous daves by the way. i'm shivering a lot right now, it gets sooooooooooooooooooooooo cold in our family room it's not even funny. i can hadly feel the ends of my fingers. lemme go put on some slippers and gloves
... 2 minutes later...
ok i'm back, i put on my down coat too. i'm already getting warmer. it will take a bit for my toes to warm up though. in the meantime, back to sadies. So we went for a walk after dinner because we were done eating and it was too long before the dance started to go straight there. but it was really really cold outside. but we went for a walk anyway, and my ears and fingers froze because i was too 'cool' to bring a hat and gloves (but i also hadn't known that we would be outside that long when i has left home). But anyway, we stumbled upon a little kid park and hung there for a bit before walking back and going to the dance. the dance was fun. a few aukward (sp?) moments, but then again those were to be expected. they were all caused by alex L and deanna and i must day, looking back they are now laughable moments but at the time i was more than a little bit annoyed. so yeah. what else is there to say about his weekend.

the homework load was manageble

bible quiz went terrible- we comepeted against all the top teams- it was soo unfair! we didn't do very good at all. plus i had only memorized 17 verses (me hanging my head in shame).

my friends jenn and bekah and their other three brothers and sisters stayed at my house this weekend while their parents stayed in a nice hotel for their anniversary weekend.

i was on the worship team this weekend it was super


ok, cooling down now. kelemira says she didn't like being repressed by bethany when she wanted to talk about LOTR, bethany said sorry, but that kelemira was as of yet a stranger to 3 of the 5 people there (including bethany) and that she didn't want kelemira to taint the image that those three people had of her. Bethany said she realizes that its shallow not to show your true personality but she felt alot of it was being exposed for her and it made her act quite opposite of her usual "i don't care what everyone else thinks", over dramatic, LOTR obsessed, outgoing self.

~bethany and kelemira