Noriel and friends

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It's called Christmas with a capital C!

thats the title of a song by go fish and it is a good title for the following rant, which will be followed by an account of my christmas in which there will be a disclaimer about two messages which were left on my friend's cell phone on chrismas eve.

Ok. So it really really bugs me when people get mad at people who say merry christmas. it bugs me that because of these ppl, others have started saying happy holidays. now holidays actually derives from holy-days, so its not all that bad but thats not the reason they're saying it. ARRRGG!!! Politically carrect ppl really bug me. I don't minda Happy Hannukka (sp?), Happy Kwanza or anyother holiday in this season, but when ppl say happy holidays just to avoid offending ppl it drives me crazy.

Ok. Story and disclaimer.
where to begin. On Friday we drove up to my Grandparent's house (mom's side) up in _______ i guess i can't really say, can i. They live like 2.5 hrs away from here (for those of you who know where here is ( : ) so we got thewre late, i had a massive headache and we all just crashed that night. on saturday, mom and dad went to do some more christmas shopping and me and britta stayed w/ g-ma and g-pa and did a craft thing britta got for her b-day last april. Chinese Calligraphy painting. It was really sweet. I practiced some strokes and wrote two chinese characters ("thousand", and "spring") before getting bored and going to skate. but the skates were in mom and dads car so i had to watch tv while waiting for them to get back. so then we weent skateing and it was really fun and elsa, out dog, is like sooooo funny on ice, she like spazzes out and it's hillarious to watch her. i'm getting alot better at skateing, and it's really fun and it burns calories and it's graceful :) all very good plus points in my book. and you can do it with ppl or alone, another good point. So we opened presents there on saturday night, and i the highlight was a kareoke machine!!!!!! Totally unexpected and at first i wasn't sure i really wanted one but later i grew quite fond of it. On sunday, we left there for my G-parents house on my dad's side. and my cousins from texas were there!!!! yay!!!!!!!! I love those guys :) they are supah! My cousin Morgan is out of highschool and attending college down in TX, she almost came to the U of M, but she got accepted to a college down there first and decided to stay close to her mom dad and bro. Graham, whose name i can't even spell :(, is in 4th grade and is way cool :) so yeah, we went to the christmas eve service at my g-parents' and that night me and Morgan and Britta hung out in me n' britta's room and talked about girl stuff. Morgan stole my phone and haveing already heard all the drama and whatnot about my fall with homecomeing, MOA, and Sadies, proceded to call the guy who went to sadies with me and leave two messages on his cell. on the second one she held it up to the radio which was playing a really wierd song, so my disclaimer is that IT WAS NOT ME!!! and PLEASE DELETE SAID MESSAGES!!!!

Thanks to everyone for reading through all that. I'll see y'all.
PS. theres more, but i have to go, so i'll post the rest tomorrow.


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