Noriel and friends

Thursday, March 01, 2007

in response to e-mail

so i got an e-mai lclaiming i killed kelemira. i felt like i should explain why again since apparantly it wasn't clear. It will be a bit more personal this time.

1st off- i did not kill her. the story still exists, she still exists, i just separated her from her earthly host, she will not be posting here anymore.

2ndly- you have no idea how much it hurt to find out that her name might as well mean nothing and that it was physically impossible for to to exist at the age i wanted her to be and that she was a mary sue. It was like getting stabbed. i pulled the knife out and filled the hole and i am still getting over it. So bear with me while i make this transition into a new identity in MI. right now she's still taking shape i don't know what she looks like yet, i don't know her personality, all i know is her name is Noriel. I'm thinking Loyal, Outgoing among friends, Shy among stangers, Quiet, Brown hair... this is just brain storming all subject to change. She will not be as brazenly "out there" as Kelemira was. Kelemira was like exteremely irrealistic, and not very complex. she was super predictable. She was also very i don't know out to put it. Blunt, passionate in the sense that she never did anything half hartedly, and it was too easy to arouse her to passionate fury. so yeah, that wont be the same. I'm determined that Noriel will be less... i'm not sure what i'm looking for. more realistic maybe. Anyway, thats just the low down. I will delete the blog where i explained Kelemira's name and had meant to use for school. I just want to get as far away from it as possible. I gotta go play in the snow now :P BYE!



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