Noriel and friends

Saturday, April 28, 2007

today/ noriel development

so today was really fun because i got to have a brainstorming session with my friend Ben (elven name Nechuru, and no not any of the 1million Bens from school) on msn and we tried to refine our characters, trying to pin down their personalities. It was fun, but we didn't make alot of progress at first because we couldn't think of a good scenario to put them in. (leave compy, come back several days(/weeks?) later and finish this post) and then Ben thought of a good one so we've been going with that and now we haven't had time to talk so we're stuck at a cliff hanger. so thats annoying but whatever. and hopefully going to spiderman this weekend but so far my schedual is as follows

Friday: school goes later because of AP euro test (ahhh) have to be at church at 6:30 for 7:30 preview preformance of play (so if you want to come and can't come on mother's day, thats your chance- preview starts at 7:30) dont know how late that goes.

Saturday: 10am to 1pm= missions trip meeting. guild auditions in the afternoon. Lord knows what at night.

Sunday: 9am at church for play, service starts at 10:00 (be there early for good seats if coming) its mothers day so i wont be doing anything with friends that day anyway.

when will i do homework??? i would hate to do it all on MOTHERS' DAY- i <3>

well, we'll take it as it come i guess.

girls, i'm about to go post to secret bloggie.

ttyl all


  • Trust me, I'm pulling through the amounts of homework with much more difficulty =) Or maybe that's just me the whiner.

    By Blogger weird_werewolf, At 8:44 AM  

  • Okay, didn't somebody promise an update on the secret blog?

    By Blogger weird_werewolf, At 8:45 AM  

  • sorry i did promise and i haven't dont that yet but its coming! eventually. DIDN"T YOU READ ABOUT HOW BUSY I WAS?

    By Blogger Bethany Joy, At 4:13 PM  

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