Noriel and friends

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

ok, so my mom warned me that my story could get stolen on a public blog, so i deleted what i had posted. so sorry! i just have spent alot of time with this story, and if it got stolen... i don't know what i'd do, it would be heart wrenching. maybe i'll post some stuff on a protected site. do sites like facfic and fictionpress have any protection against somebody copy-pasteing your stuff? i wouldn't know.
g2g, ciao!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ok i've decide to post my story in portions. after this is part 1!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

the park at MOA was really fun. hanging out with friends, some movie quoting on my part (sometimes i just can't help myself). I just thought of something else i should have quoted. we were playing truth or dare. if you can think of the quote from POTC 1 that i'm thinking of you win!! i don't know what you win yet but i'll think of something.
anyway, so we rode the timberland twister which was fun, and the log chute wich wasn't a soaking as i remembered it, we rode the ferris wheel twice- i don't really like the ferris whell that much, it's kinda boreing. there's no fright, your not doing anything. your just sitting there. although somepeople actually think of interesting things to talk about but the other half of the group is like super untalkative- they're just thinking about when it will be over and discussing the safety of the little doors on the side. when i rode with them, we even started talking about grammar. i don't know if it was better to ride with the other two or not. they were talking about... less than comfortable topics. We'll just leave it at that. We went on the gostblasters ride. i beat two of my friends but my other friend beat me. i like that ride because it's a competition. we didn't do much else. oh yeah, the ride that used to be the mystery mine ride. they change the video alot now though. it was sponge bob for a while last i remember, now it's yogi's rescue. i liked the mine ride better. anyway, what ever video it is, it's where the chairs move. i guess thats pretty much all we did. yup. so ttyl,

Sunday, October 22, 2006

so, i need to have something else be the first thing you see when you get to this blog other than my last couple posts, they were very... odd. i was in a wierd mood, i don't know why. but any way, what can i talk about? hmm, well... nothing new had really happened. this never happens to me, but i have bloggers' block. i've been thinking so much about LOTr lately because it had been way way way to long since i worked on my story. i suppose i could post that story sometime. it would be really realy really long long long though. but still it's a thought. do yall think thats a good idea? tell me, i'd like to know y'all's opinion. i guess i don't even know who y'all is anymore. who still checks this? just wondering who my audience is since no one is commenting for points anymore- since the assignment is OVER!!!! GRRRR.
anyway, i've ranted about that enough in previous blogs.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

ok, i re read those last two blogs, and i've decided i need to stop letting kelemira post. she goes a little wacky...

Hey! Nofair- K

oh dear- B

what happened to freedom of the press?-K

one, freedom of the press refers to the government not being able to censor the press and two, there's no such thing as the press or freedom thereof in middle earth. -B

so? who cares? this blog isn't in middle earth. -K

my opponent failed to counter my first contention hence i would like to extend it. hence i win, end of story, adios, au revoir, kelemira is in time out and will not be posting for a while. -B

i g2g, my homework calls. why do id's take sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freeking long?????? ~bethany

what in the world? no comments about paragraph two? i thought that was the funniest part! -B
hey, i was serious! -K
So? it's still funny, and i still expected comments about it. and i hope you didn't really mean to give Lydia a death scene. Just threaten her or smtng. -B
why? she's trying to take Legolas away from me! and besides, she's from rohan, it's no great loss. -K
Holy crap! did I write this character? she's getting a little out of control... -B
oh dear. Lord help us. - B
I think i need to remind you that Rohan is the city of horses and you like horses. also, a evil killing vengeful person is definatly a turn off for legolas. -B
... bethany needs to do homework... to be continued...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

eep! i made a post on october the 13- i also recorded my audition for honors choir october the 13. ahh! what will happen to me? will i make it into honors choir???? doubtful- but possible. i sang my best, thanksfully i wasn't thinking about october the 13, then i would have been really nervous and would have sung horribly. oh well.
my claim to legolas has been disputed, i will have to talk w/ him about that. i'm not sure how he could be cheeting on me while we're on this quest, i mean yeah he's an elf, he can run fast and all that, but to rohan? from like moria? he doesn't even know how to get out, and anyway, i'm writing the story so i can give her a death scene. muahhahahahaha. i'm so evil. anyway, i g2g do homework.
~bethany(at beginning and last sentence)/Kelemira(second paragraph)

Friday, October 13, 2006

well, i guess this is the end. i will keep posting, but i don't expect any but a few to keep checking, so have a good year y'all, and i hope future 10th graders get this choice also. goodbye! sob! weep! cry! waaaaaaaaa!
ok, i'm done.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

so i'm not angry at my computer anymoer. i'm just tired because i was up so late last might- and i'm totally screwed for debate tomorrow and saturday. and i really really want to go take a nap- but then i might not wake up soon enough, or i might not fall asleep and that would be a total waste of time. i need to post on more people's blogs to get my points. get ready y'all, here come some very poissibly pointless comments.
PS. i love this assignment. why do we have to end it? we should just have liek a list of prohibited info, and if we put that info in we loose points. or something. i might get some angry comments about that suggestion but i like blogging and i think it's sweet that we can get points for it and i don't want it to end. I NEED THESE POINTS! it's really not that hard, just keep typeing stuff that is relevant, or go off on a tangent, or just write random stuff, you don't have to be deep, just make people laugh. or something! just say you have writers block and then go on and on about how you can never think of anything to write... and then you've written a whole blog! it doesn't even have to be this long!
ok now i'm really going to go comment. bye

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

omg. i am so furiously furious, i can hardly describe my fury. on the outside i look like a normal person calmly blogging. on the inside i am fuming at our webfilter. It had been updated by the provider. it blocks 2 very necessary sites. 1) google images. (hellooooo! how am i supposed to download pictures from my favemovies if i can't get to google images!!!!!! seriously though, it's usually a necessity for many school projects) 2), i had another blog, and i had just been able to reaccess it after a long screwy thing w/ our old computer- now it's gone- again!!!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. they will learn the consequences of angering a gondorian w/ a sword- except while i'm in this dimension nobody know i'm gondorian, and i don't have a sword. drat. if you have no idea what i'm talking about, go to thats my original blog that i was only able to post to once, then i made this one. another grr to all computers. sigh. i think i'm technologically challenged. well not really. i can use a graphing calc fine, and i can work my ipod fine, and my tv, and my dvd player, and... there's more i know there is, i just can't think of it. i'm computerally challenged. there we go. compared to my generation anyway. i do know more shortcuts than my mom though, if that gets me any points.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

i'm supposed to be doing my homework now because i didn't get to do any on saturday or sunday, but i'm really tired and what i really want to do is take a nap. Homecoming was soooooo fun. Deanna, danielle, and collene got me to dance. I'm sure i looked like a complete idiot, but then again who didn't? what is the point of danceing anyway, i mean really. it just made me feel really silly. me and nora sat by the windows while our other friends slow danced, it was way to warm in the cafateria, so leaning against the windows felt really really good. Deanna tried to drag me into the mass of screaming, jumping, crushing, floor shakeing people, but i wouldn't let her get me in there very far. i've never been claustrophobic, but that was just a little too much for me- there wasn't nearly enough room for my personal bubble. so anyway, i saw lots of people i knew, had fun, danced a bit, and went home and chatted w/ deanna a bit before we crashed. last night was definantly a sensory overload.
ok ii'm really done now- sorry to go on and on

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm tired, i do not want to post, i want to go to bed, but i have to memorize some verses, because i have a meet on satuday.
so why am i posting?
because i like being on the computer and i want to talk to somebody on msn, but there's nobody on ever anymore. it's kinda depressing. i used to have a friend who was like always on, so like when i was bored/ feeling the extreme temptation to procrastinate, i could just go talk to them, but now they're like never on. so now whenever i'm bored/ wanting to procratinate, i have nothing to do- except post, and comment. my comments usually don't have anyhing to do w/ writing, just content, does that still count for points? i don't know. And usually my blogas are super random, or start normal but end random.
but now i really g2g. bye.

note to alateriel after reading a comment you made on ZIL12's latest post:
i'm sorry that i made us miss the joust to look at dresses at the festival. to look on the bright side, now we have an excuse to go again next year! maybe "rain", "nand", and "annA" will be able to come along next year. The more the merrier! If we get 7 people there's a discount on group tickets. We should try to get there before school starts next year though, or at least the 1st weekend after other wise there's too much hw.

i'm not super happy about this whole blog dealy-o, i don't want the whole 10th grade to read a bout my life. it has to be memoir-y though. if you're not talking about your life, how can it be memoir-y? anyway, i have alot of homework, so thats all i'll say for now,


~Kelemira of Gondor