Noriel and friends

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

ok, i re read those last two blogs, and i've decided i need to stop letting kelemira post. she goes a little wacky...

Hey! Nofair- K

oh dear- B

what happened to freedom of the press?-K

one, freedom of the press refers to the government not being able to censor the press and two, there's no such thing as the press or freedom thereof in middle earth. -B

so? who cares? this blog isn't in middle earth. -K

my opponent failed to counter my first contention hence i would like to extend it. hence i win, end of story, adios, au revoir, kelemira is in time out and will not be posting for a while. -B

i g2g, my homework calls. why do id's take sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freeking long?????? ~bethany


  • i used some debate terminology, so if ya don't get it, join debate! make sure you have enough time to give it though. anyway, i think in the context it's clear enough. so yeah. ttyl.

    By Blogger Bethany Joy, At 8:57 PM  

  • we need to fastforward to thursday to find out whether we made honors choir! i need to know!!!!

    By Blogger Anna M, At 11:35 AM  

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